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Time: PST
00:00:00 - 00:00:23 His Creation Forgot
00:00:23 - 00:00:45 Welcome and Shofar
00:00:45 - 00:59:15 Paul v Satanic Holidays (6) John VanDenburgh
00:59:15 - 01:00:16 CS Rainforest
01:00:16 - 01:52:04 1 - Proof Man Can't Change 7th Day Sabbath
01:52:04 - 01:55:19 Music in Nature
01:55:19 - 01:55:49 Thank you for watching Bible Explorations
01:55:49 - 01:59:09 No Other Song by John and Clara
01:59:09 - 01:59:25 Shofar
01:59:25 - 02:56:50 EV-03 Signs of His Coming
02:56:50 - 02:59:41 CS Heart
02:59:41 - 04:01:54 Importance of the New Moon by Carl Baxter
04:01:54 - 04:03:49 Music
04:03:49 - 04:04:03 Ad
04:04:03 - 05:03:18 Pure & Holy vs Weak & Beggarly-J. VanDenburgh
05:03:18 - 05:05:23 Music by John and Clara
05:05:23 - 05:58:23 The Only Mediator 1 by Gary Hullquist
05:58:23 - 05:58:34 Next
05:58:34 - 06:01:18 Music in Nature
06:01:18 - 06:36:52 The Only Mediator 2 by Gary Hullquist
06:36:52 - 06:40:12 Music in Nature
06:40:12 - 06:44:20 Music in Nature
06:44:20 - 06:49:22 Music in Nature
06:49:22 - 06:49:55 Help Support Bible Explorations
06:49:55 - 06:54:18 Music in Nature
06:54:18 - 06:58:26 CS Spring music
06:58:26 - 06:58:36 Ad
06:58:36 - 07:57:56 The Teshuva of Ruth by David Garza
07:57:56 - 08:00:00 God Will Take Care of You
08:00:00 - 08:00:23 His Creation Forgot
08:00:23 - 08:00:45 Welcome and Shofar
08:00:45 - 08:59:15 Paul v Satanic Holidays (6) John VanDenburgh
08:59:15 - 09:00:16 CS Rainforest
09:00:16 - 09:52:04 1 - Proof Man Can't Change 7th Day Sabbath
09:52:04 - 09:55:19 Music in Nature
09:55:19 - 09:55:49 Thank you for watching Bible Explorations
09:55:49 - 09:59:09 No Other Song by John and Clara
09:59:09 - 09:59:25 Shofar
09:59:25 - 10:56:50 EV-03 Signs of His Coming
10:56:50 - 10:59:41 CS Heart
10:59:41 - 12:01:54 Importance of the New Moon by Carl Baxter
12:01:54 - 12:03:49 Music
12:03:49 - 12:04:03 Ad
12:04:03 - 13:03:18 Pure & Holy vs Weak & Beggarly-J. VanDenburgh
13:03:18 - 13:05:23 Music by John and Clara
13:05:23 - 13:58:23 The Only Mediator 1 by Gary Hullquist
13:58:23 - 13:58:34 Next
13:58:34 - 14:01:18 Music in Nature
14:01:18 - 14:36:52 The Only Mediator 2 by Gary Hullquist
14:36:52 - 14:40:12 Music in Nature
14:40:12 - 14:44:20 Music in Nature
14:44:20 - 14:49:22 Music in Nature
14:49:22 - 14:49:55 Help Support Bible Explorations
14:49:55 - 14:54:18 Music in Nature
14:54:18 - 14:58:26 CS Spring music
14:58:26 - 14:58:36 Ad
14:58:36 - 15:57:56 The Teshuva of Ruth by David Garza
15:57:56 - 16:00:00 God Will Take Care of You
16:00:00 - 16:00:23 His Creation Forgot
16:00:23 - 16:00:45 Welcome and Shofar
16:00:45 - 16:59:15 Paul v Satanic Holidays (6) John VanDenburgh
16:59:15 - 17:00:16 CS Rainforest
17:00:16 - 17:52:04 1 - Proof Man Can't Change 7th Day Sabbath
17:52:04 - 17:55:19 Music in Nature
17:55:19 - 17:55:49 Thank you for watching Bible Explorations
17:55:49 - 17:59:09 No Other Song by John and Clara
17:59:09 - 17:59:25 Shofar
17:59:25 - 18:56:50 EV-03 Signs of His Coming
18:56:50 - 18:59:41 CS Heart
18:59:41 - 20:01:54 Importance of the New Moon by Carl Baxter
20:01:54 - 20:03:49 Music
20:03:49 - 20:04:03 Ad
20:04:03 - 21:03:18 Pure & Holy vs Weak & Beggarly-J. VanDenburgh
21:03:18 - 21:05:23 Music by John and Clara
21:05:23 - 21:58:23 The Only Mediator 1 by Gary Hullquist
21:58:23 - 21:58:34 Next
21:58:34 - 22:01:18 Music in Nature
22:01:18 - 22:36:52 The Only Mediator 2 by Gary Hullquist
22:36:52 - 22:40:12 Music in Nature
22:40:12 - 22:44:20 Music in Nature
22:44:20 - 22:49:22 Music in Nature
22:49:22 - 22:49:55 Help Support Bible Explorations
22:49:55 - 22:54:18 Music in Nature
22:54:18 - 22:58:26 CS Spring music
22:58:26 - 22:58:36 Ad
22:58:36 - 23:57:56 The Teshuva of Ruth by David Garza
23:57:56 - 00:00:00 God Will Take Care of You